
Recent CareCru Updates

Retain Draft Chat Messages in Patient Conversation until Sent
Release Date:
June 1, 2022

Previously, if you started to type a text response to a patient in Chat, and you navigated away from the Chat feature, you would lose anything you had typed. Now, the message will be saved as a draft until such time as the user clicks on Send. This is particularly useful when you need to copy a form link and have to return back to your draft chat.

Follow-Ups Default View to Include Active and Inactive Patients
Release Date:
May 18, 2022

Previously the default view found under the Patient Management reports My Follow Ups (Past 30 Days) and Follow Ups would only show Active patients, and you would have to remove the default filter to see Inactive patients as well. Now we have removed this filter from both reports so that you automatically see all your follow-ups, regardless of the patient’s status.

Receive Images/GIF’s from Patients through Chat
Release Date:
April 6, 2022

Both Images and GIF’s sent by patients can now be viewed in Chat. Upon receipt, the practice user can also open the image in a new window, and save it as required. This is a great feature when requesting pictures of insurance cards, estimates, etc!

Form Sync for ABELDent and Power Practice
Release Date:
March 25, 2022

Patient submitted forms are now able to be automatically synced and downloaded into the practice management software for clients using ABELDent or Power Practice. Keep an eye out for this feature to be released to more of our compatible practice management software’s soon!!

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Online Scheduling: Gender Not Appending to Online Request
Resolved On:
July 17, 2024

When attempting to accept an online appointment request, the gender was not populating which forced the user to have to add it manually before being able to accept the appointment. This has now been resolved.

Linking Online Appt Request to Pending Appt does not Update Appt Status to Booked (Tracker)
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

*For Tracker Practices Only


When linking an online appointment request to an existing pending appointment in Tracker, the appointment status was  not updating from Pending to Booked. Only the date/time of the pending appointment is being updated from the online appointment request. This is now resolved.


Admin Role Unable to Edit/Delete Admin or User role accounts
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

Accounts set up with Admin user role access, should be able to edit and delete other accounts that are set as either Admin or User.
This function was no longer working, and has now been resolved.