
Recent CareCru Updates

Chat: Redirection to Point of Contact for Cellphone Number
Release Date:
July 17, 2024

With this release, we are modifying which chat a user gets redirected to when they choose Text Patient from any Actions menu.

If users selects Actions > Text Patient, they will now get directly sent to the Point of Contact (POC) Chat instead of first being taken to the patient's Chat, and be required to click another button to go to the POC.

Practice users can still access the non POC chat by searching for that patient in Chat or clicking on the Open chat in any of the chat queues (All, Open, Closed, Unread).

Openings: Default for Practitioner "Not Set"
Release Date:
June 19, 2024

Openings will now take into account Waitlist entries that have (not set) in the practitioner column + the practitioner listed on the Opening. Previously, matches would only be found based on the practitioner where the opening was found.

Adding (Not Set), will allow for more matches to be presented in your Waitlist.


Previous default showing only the practitioner where the opening is available, returned 2 waitlist entries:

New logic adding in (Not Set) now returns a total of 57 patients to try and fill that Opening.

Online Scheduling: Improved Submission Workflow
Release Date:
May 8, 2024

The following enhancements have been made to improve our Online Scheduling process.

  • The button size has been changed for Next and Submit - narrower to be more evident an action is required:
  • Review & Book progress bar only gets highlighted after the Submit Booking Request is clicked:

  • On press of  <-- or X on the widget, a warning is generated identifying the request has not been completed:

  • If the browser is closed without submitting the request, a warning will appear on the browser:
Reminders: Instagram Added to Email Templates
Release Date:
March 27, 2024

Along with the existing Facebook and Google links, we have now integrated Instagram into our Email Templates.

To add this feature, just include your practice Instagram URL under Account SettingsGeneral to have it included in your patient's emailed appointment reminders, recall reminders, and review requests. Don't forget to Save your changes! 😁

No items found.
Online Scheduling: Gender Not Appending to Online Request
Resolved On:
July 17, 2024

When attempting to accept an online appointment request, the gender was not populating which forced the user to have to add it manually before being able to accept the appointment. This has now been resolved.

Linking Online Appt Request to Pending Appt does not Update Appt Status to Booked (Tracker)
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

*For Tracker Practices Only

When linking an online appointment request to an existing pending appointment in Tracker, the appointment status was  not updating from Pending to Booked. Only the date/time of the pending appointment is being updated from the online appointment request. This is now resolved.

Admin Role Unable to Edit/Delete Admin or User role accounts
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

Accounts set up with Admin user role access, should be able to edit and delete other accounts that are set as either Admin or User.
This function was no longer working, and has now been resolved.