
Recent CareCru Updates

Automatic Page Refresh on Smart Recare List
Release Date:
January 26, 2023

‍While working on your Smart Recare list within Patient Management, when you log a recall – your list will automatically refresh! This will remove the patient from your list view without any manual intervention on your side so you and your co-workers can easily see an up-to-date list in real-time.

Enhanced Chat Conversation Preview
Release Date:
January 11, 2023

We have enhanced how users can quickly preview Chat conversations including:

  • the ability to clearly see who was the last staff user outside of Donna to message the patient
  • the ability to see if only Donna has ever sent any messages to the patient
  • the ability to see if the patient messaged in last
  • the ability to preview the date and time of the last correspondence with a staff user

         *Scenario #1:  User “GO/Gustavo” was last staff user to send a message, no automations sent since

         *Scenario #2: User “LY” was last staff user to send message but since then, Donna has sent an automation

         *Scenario #3: User “AP” was last staff user to send message but since then, patient replied back

         *Scenario #4: No staff user has sent any messages to patient, only Donna  

Hovering over the staff user avatar quickly displays more information about the last contact made by that staff user including:

  • full name
  • date/time when they messaged the patient.

Waitlist Information Added to Online Appointment Requests
Release Date:
December 29, 2022

We have now added the ability for you to identify when a patient has requested to be added to the Waitlist from the online appointment request, including their availability preferences. This way you can action on the Waitlist request right away if applicable.

Added Practitioner Type
Release Date:
December 14, 2022

A new Practitioner Type of “Specialist” is now able to be chosen under Account Settings > Practitioners. Changing the type will update the title on the Schedule page and Intelligence reports within the platform, as well as on the Online Booking Widget.

No items found.
Online Scheduling: Gender Not Appending to Online Request
Resolved On:
July 17, 2024

When attempting to accept an online appointment request, the gender was not populating which forced the user to have to add it manually before being able to accept the appointment. This has now been resolved.

Linking Online Appt Request to Pending Appt does not Update Appt Status to Booked (Tracker)
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

*For Tracker Practices Only

When linking an online appointment request to an existing pending appointment in Tracker, the appointment status was  not updating from Pending to Booked. Only the date/time of the pending appointment is being updated from the online appointment request. This is now resolved.

Admin Role Unable to Edit/Delete Admin or User role accounts
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

Accounts set up with Admin user role access, should be able to edit and delete other accounts that are set as either Admin or User.
This function was no longer working, and has now been resolved.