
Recent CareCru Updates

Online Scheduling: Rejection Reason
Release Date:
November 23, 2022

When you decide to reject an online appointment request, you will now be able to select a rejection reason, for better tracking purposes. Watch for this reason to be added to the Online Scheduling report in the Requests Received table in a few weeks!

Chat Enhancements
Release Date:
November 23, 2022

New enhancements in Chat to improve the user experience.

1.       Chat: Text History Date Format
We have changed the way we present historical messages in Chat to better identify exactly what date a message was sent or received by a patient.

2.     Chat: Ability to send Forms directly from an open Chat
You will now be able to send a form directly from a Chat with a patient, without having to go to forms and copy the URL. You will find a new icon beside emoji’s, which will list all your available forms to add to your message!

3.     Chat: Last Message Sent Avatar
You will now be able to easily identify who in your practice last messaged a patient in Chat, by seeing their Avatar (initials) on the right toolbar and below each patient’s name. This will make it easier for you to navigate your Open Chats amongst your team members.

Waitlist Enhancements
Release Date:
November 9, 2022

A newly built foundation, and many new enhancements…with more to come!

1.     Source of the entry: A new easily identifiable icon allows you to know whether the entry was created by the practice team or by the patient through the online schedule. A future phase will also include a sync entry from your practice management software!

2.     Dynamic list of Reasons: Along with our original 3 default reasons, the list will also include all reasons from your online scheduler and will be populated as such from any online appointment request.

3.     Availability Dates: Along with the Available From date when the patient is first available for the Waitlist, there will now be an Available Until field which will either sync directly from the online appointment request made by the patient, be linked manually to an existing appointment, or be a specific end date as requested by the patient.

4.     Automatic Removal: With the addition of the Available Until field, after the appointment has taken place or the requested end date has passed, the patient will be automatically removed from the Waitlist!

5.     Text Count: When the patient is sent a text through the Waitlist, the team will be able to see how many times they’ve been contacted along with the date of the most recent text that was sent.

6.     Date filter: The goal of the Waitlist is to assist you in filling any gaps within your daily schedule, caused by short-notice cancellations. With the date filter, you can now quickly select a specific date and time from a cancellation appointment and be able to find all patients that match the criteria.

7.     Text Template: Anyone with the role of Owner in the platform will now have the ability to create a default template for all practice users to use, including the use of insert tags and emojis

Explore our Waitlist knowledge articles for answers to frequent questions that pop up!

Click here to review Waitlist knowledge articles

Forms Submissions Enhancements
Release Date:
July 21, 2022

The following four enhancements were added to the Forms Submissions section of CareCru:

1. Filter Option*
You now have enhanced filtering capabilities to easily sort through submissions. These filter options will be saved on your Forms Submission page for the entire day before being reset. (This includes name sort as well)

2. Default Filter*
By default, you will notice the Filters button has 1 filter automatically applied. This filter was created to show only Unactioned Forms, while hiding all the actioned ones. You can clear this filter as needed, but the functionality is to reduce workload on previewing all submissions and instead, only showing those forms that still require manual intervention by your team.

3. Mark Actioned from Preview*
Along with being able to download a form directly from the form preview, you can now also mark the form as actioned or unactioned instead of only being able to do it from the main Forms Submissions page.

4. Mark successfully synced forms as Actioned+
+For Power Practice and ABELDent practices only

Forms that are successfully synced to your practice management software will now automatically be marked as Actioned, reducing manual intervention by your team.

*Note: if you do not see the new Filters button on the Forms Submissions page, you will need to complete a hard refresh of your Cache:

  • Click on the 3 dots in Chrome (top right of your browser)
  • Click on More tools
  • Click on Clear browsing data

Select Cached images and files and click on Clear data

Now, go back to your internet browser tab with your CareCru platform and refresh the tab.

No items found.
Online Scheduling: Gender Not Appending to Online Request
Resolved On:
July 17, 2024

When attempting to accept an online appointment request, the gender was not populating which forced the user to have to add it manually before being able to accept the appointment. This has now been resolved.

Linking Online Appt Request to Pending Appt does not Update Appt Status to Booked (Tracker)
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

*For Tracker Practices Only

When linking an online appointment request to an existing pending appointment in Tracker, the appointment status was  not updating from Pending to Booked. Only the date/time of the pending appointment is being updated from the online appointment request. This is now resolved.

Admin Role Unable to Edit/Delete Admin or User role accounts
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

Accounts set up with Admin user role access, should be able to edit and delete other accounts that are set as either Admin or User.
This function was no longer working, and has now been resolved.