
Recent CareCru Updates

CareCru Facelift / Rebrand
Release Date:
July 20, 2022

It was time to modernize our look and feel, as well as improve upon the web application experience.

You’ll notice a new logo and color scheme, along with some usability enhancement including:

  • enhanced color scheme to make it easier to focus on the content that matters most
  • more tooltips to help you navigate the platform
  • new icon on the Chair view in the schedule to easily identify which view your are in (Chair or Practitioner)

The goal was to ensure the platform remained easy to use and build upon our vision to maximize the potential of every dental practice.

Dashboard Page


Schedule Page

Waitlist Preferred Days to Factor in Office Hours
Release Date:
June 15, 2022

When a patient tries to add themselves to the Waitlist from the Online Appointment Booking Widget, the available days option will now factor in the office business days.
Example: Office is closed on Sundays, these days are no longer presented as an option for their available days.

Pop-up Notifications for Chat
Release Date:
June 15, 2022

If notifications are enabled, users on the platform will now receive a pop-up notification for incoming chat messages. Previously, this notification was limited to only Virtual Waiting Room and Online Booking Requests.

To enable (or disable) these notifications, please find the below instructions:

Enable Notifications

Updated Missed/Cancelled Metric
Release Date:
June 13, 2022

Updated Missed/Cancelled Appointments metric found in the Schedule Report under the Intelligence Page.

The updated metric will track the total count of appointments that were missed/cancelled but have not been rescheduled after cancellation (at the time the report is generated).  
This metric replace the percentage of Total Appointments missed/cancelled.

No items found.
Online Scheduling: Gender Not Appending to Online Request
Resolved On:
July 17, 2024

When attempting to accept an online appointment request, the gender was not populating which forced the user to have to add it manually before being able to accept the appointment. This has now been resolved.

Linking Online Appt Request to Pending Appt does not Update Appt Status to Booked (Tracker)
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

*For Tracker Practices Only

When linking an online appointment request to an existing pending appointment in Tracker, the appointment status was  not updating from Pending to Booked. Only the date/time of the pending appointment is being updated from the online appointment request. This is now resolved.

Admin Role Unable to Edit/Delete Admin or User role accounts
Resolved On:
March 13, 2024

Accounts set up with Admin user role access, should be able to edit and delete other accounts that are set as either Admin or User.
This function was no longer working, and has now been resolved.